Stand Against Hatred

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I barely go a day without experiencing harassment

I have been a registered critical care nurse for 27 years and I barely go a day at work or in public without being subjected to racial discrimination, harassment, and demeanors on a daily basis. Hate, ignorance, jealously, and racism are viruses that hurts the ones targeted and those who intend to spread them.

Constantly coughed at by neighbors

This has been ongoing since March 2023 when I first moved in. The head janitor of the building was the one that started coughing near my house. It was as if he started a hate trend because many residents started to follow soon after. How did they even know where I live? It feels like harassment of the "Asian" lives here, even though I’m mixed race and ethnically ambiguous.

Multiple residents that work in the military, go to university, work doing deliveries, etc, have been harassing me by walking by my house and coughing loudly. They are so full of hate. That also includes the previous landlord that accused me of slander, even though I have video evidence. He later quit and transferred from what I was told. Even other Asians following the hateful trend. I feel that they just copy to try to fit in, even though they themselves are hated. I’m constantly harassed by an ugly bald male in his 60s. He looks like he works as a lawyer, which is the scary part. He stops by my house constantly and coughs and gives hateful stares a lot of times at my door camera.

Now the new landlord knows about the incidents, but I’ve also heard other residents say that the building workers are watching out for the Chinese woman. If they’re talking about me, I’m mixed race and Iʻm not Chinese. I find it sad that the US is still backwards, even when itʻs "diverse,” as it still thinks everyone is of one race.

"The Chinese are the most shi*tty people"

I have been threatened by a man. He said that the Chinese are the most sh*tty people in the world and he can’t wait to clean out all the Chinese with Brazilian gangster bodies. He was hired for a painting job by me but he did it wrong. It was supposed to be a simple dispute. Not until he clearly stated that he hated Chinese did I finally understand why his attitude towards me is like that. He thinks the Chinese are easy soft people and can be easily scammed. I reported the accident to my local police department but the officer said they can do nothing because he did it on the phone. I also reported it to DPOR and am still waiting for their response.

"You don't look American"

A patient asked me, “What nationality are you?” And I said, “Well, I was born in Philadelphia soo…that makes me American.” He said, “Well you don’t look American.” I said, “What does American look like to you?” He said “Well, American!” I asked, “Have you been around this country and seen the diverse faces in America?”

This happened today and happens regularly.

Attacked because of my race

I was recently attacked because of my race and the way I look at Las Vegas airport by three employees that work there. Police were involved and I was injured and sent to the hospital.

I don’t have anyway to pay for my hospital bill and need legal help to get justice for what those people did.

Neither offender acknowledged my humanity

I was riding my bike to work, and a driver in a car ran a stop sign to T-Bone me then drive away, leaving me in the street. Thankfully, while I was out, a passerby stopped to call an ambulance. The police also came by, though I did not speak with them. It was only after inquiring repeatedly with the police station that a receptionist showed me the report the officer wrote, which indicates that he found the person who hit me and gave him a ticket for running a stop sign, but not for hitting me or driving away. The report notably records that the driver made contact with me and my bike but that I was not seriously injured and walked away.

This could not be further from the truth and is simply negligent to report, as there was no way for the officer to have properly ascertained this information because I was being carted off in an ambulance where I could have been suffering from internal bleeding, to his ignorance. I ended up only sustaining damage to two of the major ligaments in one of my knees, with tibial fractures, but walking away would have been impossible.

It's possible that these violations (either by the driver or the officer) were not race-related. It's possible that the harm they caused me was due solely to negligence and fear. However, it must be stated that the political makeup of the city presents a strong case that neither offender acknowledged my humanity in a meaningful way, a statement further corroborated by their actions. It cannot be understated that harm sustained by Asian-Americans in cases where offenders go without consequence are inseparable from the perception of Asians as helpless and vulnerable victims with no means or drive to defend themselves.

Physically assaulted by the office manager

I am Hmong American, born in a refugee camp in Thailand, and came to the US with my parents at the age of 3 years old. I am a single mom, living in the Kirkland area for the last 14 years.

On July 2, 2019, I was assaulted while working in a Bellevue dental office by the office manager. I was physically assaulted by the office manager. She also assaulted me with a heavy industrial wood pocket sliding door, hitting me with the door in front of the office receptionist.

My left rib was broken. My doctor/employer did not believe that the incident happened and did not believe the office receptionist who witnessed the incident. My employer fired the receptionist. I choose to resign due to an unsafe work environment. My employer tried to threaten me with a lawsuit after I resigned.

I in return found an attorney to help me. Due to Covid my case/trial date was backed up to April of this year, 2023. I did win my court case, the jury was on my side. Now, I am faced with having to spend more time and money to retrieve the final judgement payment that is owned to me because my former employer has moved his business bank account around to make it more difficult for me to retrieve my judgment payment.

Also 9 months prior to the final trial, the woman who assaulted me and her husband who retired as a Bellevue firefighter sold all their properties in WA, moving all their bank accounts and assets to Arizona.

I hope my story finds your organization and I hope there may be some sort of support for me. Even if it’s getting my story out there to bring awareness and hope to Asian Americans like me who have been wronged. Thank you.

I know I am not wanted here

I work in a predominately white senior care center. I am the only Asian and there no other minorities. Every day I am attacked by my coworkers when I am at work. They are envious of me because of my senior nurse position and refuse to listen to anything I tell them to do. All my coworkers treat me hostilely because of the executive manager. The executive has called me slurs. As soon as I was hired, the executive manager started hiring all her friends and family. I am attacked everyday by them. They follow me around while I give patients care at the center. I have also been called Asian slurs by the patients. They talk about eyes, hair, and face too. They also make offensive drawings of me. They have done everything you can think of to run me away from this job.

The other staff besides the executive manager are nursing assistants. My tasks are taken and given to the executive manager's friends. For example, when I try to talk to a family member I am verbally attacked by one of the workers and they dispute what I say in front of family just to provoke an argument. They made it clear to me on day one that I do not deserve this position that I have worked hard for and that they should have it. When I am in the office doing paperwork, several of the nursing assistants come in and lay in the one bed that is for a patient. They kick their feet up and dare me to say something to them. If I say something to them they go tell the executive manager and her best friend.

The executive manager is in charge of the payroll too. She cheats me out my pay and gives everyone their paystubs except me. On my way to work I take the bus. The executive goes around in her car watching me walk to work, which is 5 mins away after I get off the bus. One time she waited for me and asked me to carry her water bottle because her hands were full. Lies are told on me by other staff so that they all go against me and attack me verbally. Sometimes it is all of them at once. I greet them when I come into work. I have received nothing but hate. Most of them refuse to speak and give me dirty looks. They leave their work for me to do. They demand me to take patients to the bathroom, knowing I have overloads of work. I know it is clear, I am not wanted there.

“You people”

I usually park at the end of the parking lot and let my dog out. Today, however, I couldn’t park in my usual spot because there was a white Subaru station wagon parked in the back up area of the parking lot. This area is for cars to back up and get out of the parking lot (see photo).

I park as close as I can get to my usual spot and let my dog out the back.

"I didn't know you could park there," I say to the male driver, a male in his 40s. This guy is a transplant. I have never seen him at the park at this time of day. I have never seen him before.

This guy gives me a racially charged lecture. He addresses me as "you people" (I do consider that remark racist) and he lectures me about how "great" this country is and he tells me to "get a job".

"I've got one."
"Good! Get another one!"

I really feared for both of our safety and I feared he was going to harm my dog. Thankfully, he didn't. He just picked up his dog and left.

I'm not just an "Asian girl"

I was just minding my own business in my Biology class, when a girl from the group of people sitting behind me pulled her eyes back and the people there laughed. I was in my own world and I didn’t even realize it was happening because I was so focused on my schoolwork. My seat-mate told me what had happened the day after. We filed an incident report and I put two names on mine. Only one of them got “disciplined.” They came back from being pulled out of class and whispered to their friends about how I reported them for being racist. They whisper so loud.

A few weeks later, another kid from the same group kept asking, “Where are all the Asian kids in this class?” He then looked at me and said, “Oh there’s Waldo!” I didn’t say anything. One day I was absent from school, and that kid who called me Waldo came up to my friends and asked, “Do you know that Asian girl that sits here? She reported my friend, did you guys have anything to do with that?” My friends ignored him. I talked to the person who called me Waldo, I asked him something along the lines of, “What did you mean by that when you called me Waldo the other day?” He proceeded to deny it ever happened. I told him repeatedly that I wasn’t just an “Asian girl” and I told him my name. My teacher saw and he said to the kid, “What’s her name?”. I guess it flew past his head since he said he didn’t get my name and asked me again.

Ever since then I said it wouldn’t affect me, but it did. I woke up screaming in the middle of the night because I had a dream someone as being racist towards me. I didn’t realize how severe it had impacted me until I actually repeated what had happened to my counselor. The next week I was spiraling back into isolating myself and slowly seeping into depressive episodes. I skipped school for 3 days straight because I felt so horrible.

"Chinese people bring viruses everywhere"

I’m a registered nurse working in Fargo, ND. One day my patient told me that Chinese people are migrating all over the world and always bring viruses everywhere. He was also one of those people who insists the coronavirus is made in a Wuhan Lab by the Chinese government.

Coughed on at the bank

This incident happened at a bank in Bellevue, WA.
It was both a bank teller and customer that kept coughing at me. The customer (female in her late 50s) saw me and started coughing. Then I told her "back at you." She then did an evil smirk. Then the bank teller (male in his late 20s) started to cough and the customer kept coughing at me. I was being helped by another bank teller whom I apologized to and said that since the pandemic, I’ve experienced racism and I'm not even Chinese. That's when both the bank teller and customer stopped coughing. Then I asked the male bank teller for his name and he gave me hateful looks and made up excuses to not give me his name. All of this was caught on the bank security cameras. The other bank teller that I was talking to was nice to me and respectful. However the male racist bank teller was still giving me hateful stares.

He suspected we were hiding something

My father and I were relaxing on a park bench when a white guy started ranting about Asian immigrants, particularly Japanese and Thai Americans. He suspected we were hiding something on our phones, and demanded to know where we were from. He then threatened to physically attack us as we entered our car.

Report was ignored

I witnessed an Asian man being called pejoratives by a woman at a gym and reported it. The gym director treated me aggressively and with hostility for reporting, refused to meet or speak with me and had her staff member at the gym tell me that the company considered the matter closed and basically would not help in any way. It was horrible. I felt terrible for the guy and disgusted by the director.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.