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I know I am not wanted here

I work in a predominately white senior care center. I am the only Asian and there no other minorities. Every day I am attacked by my coworkers when I am at work. They are envious of me because of my senior nurse position and refuse to listen to anything I tell them to do. All my coworkers treat me hostilely because of the executive manager. The executive has called me slurs. As soon as I was hired, the executive manager started hiring all her friends and family. I am attacked everyday by them. They follow me around while I give patients care at the center. I have also been called Asian slurs by the patients. They talk about eyes, hair, and face too. They also make offensive drawings of me. They have done everything you can think of to run me away from this job.

The other staff besides the executive manager are nursing assistants. My tasks are taken and given to the executive manager's friends. For example, when I try to talk to a family member I am verbally attacked by one of the workers and they dispute what I say in front of family just to provoke an argument. They made it clear to me on day one that I do not deserve this position that I have worked hard for and that they should have it. When I am in the office doing paperwork, several of the nursing assistants come in and lay in the one bed that is for a patient. They kick their feet up and dare me to say something to them. If I say something to them they go tell the executive manager and her best friend.

The executive manager is in charge of the payroll too. She cheats me out my pay and gives everyone their paystubs except me. On my way to work I take the bus. The executive goes around in her car watching me walk to work, which is 5 mins away after I get off the bus. One time she waited for me and asked me to carry her water bottle because her hands were full. Lies are told on me by other staff so that they all go against me and attack me verbally. Sometimes it is all of them at once. I greet them when I come into work. I have received nothing but hate. Most of them refuse to speak and give me dirty looks. They leave their work for me to do. They demand me to take patients to the bathroom, knowing I have overloads of work. I know it is clear, I am not wanted there.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.