Stand Against Hatred

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Report a hate incident

Harassed at the bus stop

A young man came up to me and called me a "Chinese b-tch assh-le" when I was waiting for a bus. I tried to leave but he followed me and kept insulting me. When he left, I tried to take my cell phone out of my pocket and ask for help. He suddenly ran back and raised his arm shouting at me: "What the hell are you calling." I froze and couldn't move at all and I was afraid that he may hit me on the street immediately. Thankfully, the bus finally came and I got on the bus leaving the nightmare behind.

Attacked by a classmate

I was verbally assaulted and told that I’m awful because I identify as a woman of color. As I tried to ask why the person was so angry with me she attempted to physically assault me. I reported it to student affairs and the university police. They have determined, based on the perpetrator’s friends’ statements, that I am not in danger and that I must continue to go to class with the person who attempted to attack me.

Viciously threatened by neighbors

Our neighbors have attacked us from 2019 to today, with threats on my life, threats to burn our house down, threats to rip our fence down 3 times, calling my work at the hospital to get me fired, calling the Filipino Embassy in Houston and Washington DC on my wife to ruin her immigration, racial slurs (online and in person). They have called the police on us and lied to get us arrested, sued us in court and lost, called my wife a wh-re and a sl-t, sent racial hate letters to my wife and to me, attacked my Asian wife’s mom and character, threatened us that if we go to police they will sue us and get us arrested.

Cussed out at a traffic light

I was crossing the street near the Counterbalance Park when the pedestrian light was on. A car behind me made a left turn and cut me off, and the driver cussed and yelled racist slurs. I told him I had the light and he cussed more as he drove away. I followed up and tried to take a photo of his license plate, and he cussed again and used racist slurs repeatedly when he stopped by the traffic light.

Airbnb guest harassed my daughter

I am an Airbnb host. A guest arrived at my house and wanted to check-in. He did not book the room before. My daughter told him we had no room for him because he did not pay for the room first. He treated my daughter very badly and said if we did not give him a room, he would call the police. He said, “I know you’re this kind of person; you never have a license to do something, and you never pay taxes. You will get in big trouble.” In fact, though we are Asian, we have a legal license, we pay taxes, and we never pick up something without paying. I am very angry about what he said to my daughter.

"Go back to your country"

I was sitting inside my vehicle parked in the second to last parking stall outside a Panera. A grey car parked directly behind and perpendicular to my vehicle blocking both my vehicle in the stall and blocking the lane. The driver of the vehicle was a male in his late 20s. The passenger of the vehicle was female in her late 20s. They both exited the car, leaving the vehicle unoccupied in the middle of the parking lot and blocking both my vehicle and the right lane.

I entered the restaurant to speak with the manager about the vehicle blocking my exit. As I exited the restaurant, I observed the female crouched next to the driver’s side rear door of my vehicle. I suspected that she had or was in the process of damaging my vehicle. As she saw me approach, she quickly entered the grey car through the passenger side. The male entered the car through the driver’s side. I approached the car to ask the occupants about any damage to my vehicle. The female rolled down the window of the car. As she rolled down the window, the male yelled out that I had parked over the line and he had no other choice but to block my vehicle. I mentioned that there was another parking spot that was empty immediately to the left of my vehicle and that the parking lot was nearly empty. He then began to scream expletives and screamed, “Go back to your country!” He then sped off before I could ask about the damages to my vehicle. He rolled down the right passenger window and continued looking in my direction and screaming at me. It was difficult to make out what he was screaming.

"Spoiled Chinese kids"

On my subway ride home about 3 months ago, I got verbal abuse from a person who continued to throw obscenities at me and my friends. It seemed like he did that to everyone who looked Asian and called all of us "spoiled Chinese kids." He blamed our existence as immigrants for disrupting the country's economy, causing the housing crisis, and the pandemic. My friends and I could not do anything but keep silent and avoid eye contact in fear of being physically attacked by this man. Everyone else on the train just looked and took videos so that they could post them on social media. I would not blame them for not stepping up because if I were in their shoes, I would probably be too afraid to do anything, too. Fortunately, I was able to get home safe but it has caused a lot of trauma for me ever since then. No one can choose their race and ethnicity from birth.

"It's people with head coverings we worry about"

My daughter was harassed by a store manager and an employee there about her head scarf. While she was in the store another gentleman left his bag by the door so as not to be accused of stealing and went to grab his stuff. He realized that he forgot his wallet in his bag, left his stuff at the counter, and then went to grab it. The person behind the counter told him not to worry about it and bring his bag with him. He or she went on to say it’s mostly people with head coverings they worry about, then while looking at my daughter, “You don’t know if they are hiding something under there,” making a reference to stealing. My daughter paid for her stuff and left.

I called the following day for an explanation and possibly an apology and was called a Karen for complaining, told that that wasn’t what happened, and he had the whole thing on tape. He also explained that anyone that comes in with a hoodie would be asked to bring down the hood. I called again demanding to speak to someone else he told me to stop wasting his time and don’t I have anything better to do and then hung up. My daughter won’t be going there again because she feels unsafe. How terribly sad.

Stabbed on the subway

I planned to go shopping with my friend in Brooklyn. Around 7 pm, I was on the A train approaching the Hoyt Schermerhorn station when a stranger suddenly came up to me and stabbed me in the face and neck. Other passengers helped me and kicked him out. He tried to re-enter the subway car but was eventually arrested on the scene by NYPD officers. I was sent to ER by an ambulance and got 20 stitches on my face, neck and hand. Thank god it is not too severe and just lacerations, and I was able to go home that night.

Bullying the Asian kid

An Asian kid in my class was repeatedly punched and beaten up by another kid. The bullying has occurred for almost 2 months now. He does stuff like call him a ch-nk and take his lunch money. As a bystander, I feel powerless to stop it. It's escalated to the point of random physical and cyber attacks now.

Neighborhood incident

We have a neighboring couple. They don't like us living across the street from them. They have punctured the tire on our car. They called the township code enforcement and they have harassed us. The township has now stolen our vehicles. We have a lawyer and we will be suing the township.

Law enforcement turned a blind eye

This morning when I was walking from Metro North to the subway, a man walking in front of me suddenly turned around and said, "Go back to your country" and then started cursing at the 3 police who were standing by the temporary check point. The man then walked up the staircase and I told the police, "He just told me to go back to my country." One of the police just nodded and didn't say anything. The scariest thing about the whole incident is not what the man did, but that law enforcement turned a blind eye. Just by not doing anything, they are actually encouraging this behavior, letting some people think they have the right to harass anyone.

Harassment on the subway

I was standing on the G local train in NYC. While I was standing, suddenly the passenger sitting in front of me (female, age around 30-40) started to shout racist slurs at me. "GET THE F-CK OUT OF MY FACE YOU F-CKING CH-NK, YOUR STANDING POSE IS MAKING ME F-CKING UNCOMFORTABLE. OTHERWISE I WILL SMACK YOUR F-CKING CH-NK FACE." I refused to move and indicated the subway is a public space and she can try to commit violence against me, but I will report her to the police. Then she kept saying racist slurs and stood up, trying to squeeze me away from the subway standing stick perhaps to make me lose balance and fall. I still refused to move because the subway is a public space and her racist behaviors would not bow me down. In the end, security was called but they actually told me to back away because they DO NOT care about hate crimes and racist people. Instead, they just want to end any arguments as soon as possible. I was actually shocked by the inaction of the MTA security officers. I guess they allow this racist stuff because they do not care. The racist passenger was also thanking the security and acting like I was the one who was being aggressive. Three of my friends were on that same train and they all witnessed this incident.

Can't run outside in peace anymore

I was doing my daily jog on the busy streets of Portland when someone threw a half-finished chocolate milkshake on me like a hit-and-run. It had hit me pretty well and splashed all over my shirt and legs. Scumbags did it because I was Asian. Can’t even run outside in peace anymore.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.