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Physically assaulted by the office manager

I am Hmong American, born in a refugee camp in Thailand, and came to the US with my parents at the age of 3 years old. I am a single mom, living in the Kirkland area for the last 14 years.

On July 2, 2019, I was assaulted while working in a Bellevue dental office by the office manager. I was physically assaulted by the office manager. She also assaulted me with a heavy industrial wood pocket sliding door, hitting me with the door in front of the office receptionist.

My left rib was broken. My doctor/employer did not believe that the incident happened and did not believe the office receptionist who witnessed the incident. My employer fired the receptionist. I choose to resign due to an unsafe work environment. My employer tried to threaten me with a lawsuit after I resigned.

I in return found an attorney to help me. Due to Covid my case/trial date was backed up to April of this year, 2023. I did win my court case, the jury was on my side. Now, I am faced with having to spend more time and money to retrieve the final judgement payment that is owned to me because my former employer has moved his business bank account around to make it more difficult for me to retrieve my judgment payment.

Also 9 months prior to the final trial, the woman who assaulted me and her husband who retired as a Bellevue firefighter sold all their properties in WA, moving all their bank accounts and assets to Arizona.

I hope my story finds your organization and I hope there may be some sort of support for me. Even if it’s getting my story out there to bring awareness and hope to Asian Americans like me who have been wronged. Thank you.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.