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Someone just poured milkshake on my car and took off while I was waiting for the light to turn. I didn't do anything abnormal. I was just listening to my Japanese song and singing while I was in traffic. 

"Do you know how to read English?"

My sister and my parents were walking on a trail in San Mateo County, California with our two service dogs Boba and Daisy. It was a popular trail on Christmas Day and the one and only ranger we saw on the trail greeted us and wished us Merry Christmas after we quickly notified him that our dogs were service dogs. The trail passed by a bench and as I got closer to the bench where two older white males were sitting and I could see were now staring at us.

As we get closer, one of the guys start yelling very loudly "Do you know how to read English? There are NO pets allowed." I respond politely "Yes- they are service dogs." He then yells back: "It doesn't matter if they're service animals, there are no pets allowed here and YOU don't look like you need any service." I yelled back "Mind your own business" and continued walking the trail fuming inside.

Bike confrontation at Lake Merritt

Early after Trump was elected, a tall bald white Man approached me, a Chinese American Male, and got within 4" in my face yelling, "WE WON! WE WON!" and "Get the f**k out now, we own this country, ch*nk". I got on my bike and started to ride away and he proceeded to get in his white van and menacingly followed me. When we came to a light, he bumped my tire, causing me to be knocked off my bike and he yelled "Asians Gonna Die!" I'm Chinese but very much look, speak, and dress like your typical Californian. Lake Merritt is also a more gentrified area of Oakland and predominantly Asian, White, and Indian.

"Go back to China"

I was walking back to work on my lunch hour and crossing a busy Fenway intersection when this incident occurred. I could see that the walk sign was illuminated and I and many other pedestrians made our way across the street along the crosswalk. Although the walk sign was lit, a middle aged, Caucasian man in his car was aggressively inching and trying to turn left through the pedestrians and the crosswalk. As his window was open, I said and motioned to him that this was the crosswalk, as if to say pedestrians have the right of way when crossing. He did not take kindly to this, and yelled that I should "Go back to China!" and drove off.

"Go back to China"

I was walking back to work on my lunch hour and crossing a busy intersection when this incident occurred. I could see that the walk sign was illuminated and I and many other pedestrians made our way across the street along the crosswalk. Although the walk sign was lit, a middle aged, white man in his car was aggressively inching and trying to turn left through the pedestrians and the crosswalk. As his window was open, I said and motioned to him that this was the crosswalk, as if to say pedestrians have the right of way when crossing. He did not take kindly to this, and yelled that I should "Go back to China!" and drove off.

Verbal Assault in NOLA

A middle-aged white male saw me with my husband, who is black. My husband went to the restroom and I was standing on the sidewalk by myself. The white male took that opportunity to insult me. He said that "all you Asian women are Prostitutes," which is wrong; I was a teacher before I came to America.

Fourth Generation and Still Foreign

In Seattle, Washington: I was waiting alone on the sidewalk outside of a restaurant when a young woman yelled at me, "Jap lady, go home!" She was standing about half a block away on the sidewalk. I did not respond and she walked away. I am a fourth-generation Japanese-American woman.

Harassed While Eating

I was eating alone at an airport cafe late at night, while at another table, four young white men started harassing me, saying things like "Look up at us, you gook whore," and "watch her slurping noodles," "we want you to suck on us," "we know you hear us." I couldn't finish my food and I got up and threw away my noodle salad and walked away.

"I know Asians get freaky in bed."

I was waiting for my bus when an older white man came up to me. He first just slowly walked over and just stared at me, then stood right next to me. I felt creeped out, so I moved away from him. He followed, and this time, saying "I know Asians get freaky in bed."

I told him to f**k off, hoping that my bus would arrive soon. He started walking circles around me, continuing to say things like "Asians will do whatever they want, they're all prostitutes where they actually come from anyway", "I heard they actually want to get pregnant when white guys arrive".

The bus wasn't supposed to come for another 5 minutes, so I just started walking to the next stop, but he tried to grab me, so I ran. Luckily the bus came right at the moment and I could get on. 

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.