"Do you know how to read English?"
My sister and my parents were walking on a trail in San Mateo County, California with our two service dogs Boba and Daisy. It was a popular trail on Christmas Day and the one and only ranger we saw on the trail greeted us and wished us Merry Christmas after we quickly notified him that our dogs were service dogs. The trail passed by a bench and as I got closer to the bench where two older white males were sitting and I could see were now staring at us.
As we get closer, one of the guys start yelling very loudly "Do you know how to read English? There are NO pets allowed." I respond politely "Yes- they are service dogs." He then yells back: "It doesn't matter if they're service animals, there are no pets allowed here and YOU don't look like you need any service." I yelled back "Mind your own business" and continued walking the trail fuming inside.