Stand Against Hatred

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Report a hate incident

"Traumatizing, denigrating, dehumanizing and degrading."

About 7:30pm on Tuesday evening I was exiting the 7 train subway station in Long Island City when a female behind me came up the subway steps shoving me and telling me to, “Go back to China.” When I turned the corner I asked her, “Did you tell me to go back to China?” She then said, “You should be raped.” She then went into her apartment, but I stood in the pouring rain and began video recording in my phone. I shouted up to her window that I lived on the same block and asked if she, in fact, told me to go to China and get raped. She told me she was calling the police on me and that they would believe her and not me.

I called my husband to come and help then I called the 108th precinct to file a hate Incident, left a message. The female came out of her apartment about 5 times threatening me, two times she left her apartment to run down the block in the rain telling me the police were coming to get me pointing at an active police car who was not coming for me. She came back to her apartment went inside, came back out with a pitbull to try to threaten me and my husband who had just arrived. After 5 minutes, I walked to the police station and filed a incident report.

This person lives in my community on the same block and I made this report to prevent her from doing this to others. I’m a 43 year-old, female, Korean American citizen. This experience was traumatizing, denigrating, dehumanizing and degrading.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.