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"How's that dog tasting?"

Incident occurred on January 20: 

While I was at the mall's food court, I saw a group of bros being generally rude, making sexual remarks about women and denigrating homosexuals. A Korean American sat a couple of tables away from them, and then the group of men started loudly talking about how they're going to "flood this chink's rice paddy." One of the guys goes over there and says, "Hey gook how's that dog tasting? Looks a little dry there!" He then proceeded to dump his Gatorade all over the guy's lunch and walks away laughing, telling the guy to go back to China.

I've never really seen anything like it, but I guess this is par for the course in Trump's America


Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.