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"Go back to Ch**ky town"

When I was crossing the street in downtown LA, a black man came up to me and said "Ch*nky eyes, go back to Ch*nky town. Go back to your country where they eat dog and shit." 

I tried to ignore this man, but he followed me, saying the same demeaning words for a block or so. I got scared so I entered a cafe and stayed there for the next couple of minutes hoping he would leave me alone. The man waited for me, mumbling the same words over and over. 

I eventually came out and at this point, I had enough of it and said to him, "this is harassment." I tried to go on my way, but this man kept harassing me. I started raising my voice asking why he was doing this; I never said one word to him before this. 

The creative genius over there repeated the same words over and over, slowly backing away. At the time of the incident, many people were also at the scene. Many of them heard me telling to the man to stop following me. Many of them heard the harmful words of the man telling me to "go back to Ch*nky town." No one stepped in. So, I stepped up. 

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.