Stand Against Hatred

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Report a hate incident

Me and my White Husband

Me and my white husband were walking in the street in the evening. A young white woman, who was walking toward our direction with 4 other white men, yelled out an unpleasant, unsolicited remark on us: "A conservative looking Asian and a white..." We couldn't hear the rest as she said it under the breath. I don't care what she thought of how I look. But I was hurt because no one on the street would've commented on us like that had I not been Asian woman.

An Unsafe Commute

During an otherwise innocent morning commute, I was walking from my house to the nearest metro stop. As I made my way onto a sidewalk near the station, a tall white guy approached me, a small Asian guy dressed in full suit and tie for work. No matter which way I wanted to go, he deliberately block my path forward. He then stared me down and repeatedly asked me where I was from.

Shocked, my mind paralyzed for a few seconds as my eyes could only be fixated on his threatening eye gaze. I then said "Please...I am just going to the metro stop," hoping he would just let me go. Not only did he not go, he further threatened that he would punch my nose and put me in a coma if I walked into him, and that he had done exactly that to someone a day before. I then immediately ran to the metro station and reported the incident to station guards.

"You're trash"

After a parade, my significant other, friend and I were walking back to a friend's house after getting pizza. While we were enjoying our pizza, a woman yells at us. She said, "You're trash. Go back to where you came from." My SO tells her that he is from Seattle. She approaches him and gets closer and then headbutts him.

"You're trash."

After a parade, my significant other, my friend, and I were walking back to a friend's house after getting pizza. While we were enjoying our pizza, a woman yells at us. She said, "You're trash. Go back to where you came from." My SO tells her that he is from Seattle. She approaches him and gets closer and then headbutts him.

Chicago for Spring Break

My friend and I - both Chinese American - visited Chicago for Spring Break this past year. Upon the first night of arrival, we decided to walk around and soak in the city. As we were walking along the street, a white man sitting on the steps shouted after us, saying and almost singing, "Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, you're all I see..." to which my friend and I tried to ignore. However, the man continued to sing after us and even followed us for a few blocks making remarks about us and calling us racial slurs and epithets. After a few blocks, he gave up, but the incident left us feeling very uncomfortable and unsafe. The blatant fetishization that was directed at us was really disturbing.

At the mall

I was walking through the mall as a middle aged man wearing business clothes was coming walking in the other direction. He was walking in an odd way so I believe he could have been intoxicated or mentally disabled. When we passed one another he suddenly leaned in towards my face and yelled at me, "Die, you f*cking Chink!" and then kept walking.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.